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    • Please turn off or silence all electronic devices during performances.

    • Show respect to your fellow patrons by avoiding loud conversations or disruptive behavior. Such actions may lead to removal from the event without a refund.

    • Use only the seat indicated on your ticket.

    • Be considerate of others and avoid blocking their view. Standing in aisles during performances is not permitted due to safety concerns.

    • Comply with venue staff requests related to operational and emergency procedures.

    • Smoking, vaping, and the use of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, are strictly prohibited within the school district premises, which includes Templeton High School and its associated parking lots.

    • Performances begin promptly at their scheduled time, so please arrive early to park and find your seat. Latecomers and those who leave their seats during a performance will be seated during the first appropriate pause, as determined by house staff and performers. Ensure your electronic devices are silenced before entering the theatre.

    • Patrons engaging in illegal activities, intoxication, or disruptive behavior (including heckling, public nudity, and smoking) will be escorted from the property without a refund. Please wear shoes and shirts at all events.

  • For the safety of all guests, entry will be denied to individuals found in possession of prohibited items, which may be subject to inspection by campus police. If a guest is discovered within the venue with a prohibited item, the item will be confiscated, and the guest may be asked to leave the facility.

    The following items are STRICTLY prohibited:

    - Aerosol cans

    - Animals/pets
    - Audio/video recording equipment
    - Balloons or related items
    - Chains
    - Illegal drugs
    - Laser pens and pointers
    - Noisemaking devices
    - Outside liquids (bottled water is allowed)

    - Professional photography equipment, tripods, and monopods
    - Poles/sticks for displaying flags and/or banners
    - Unapproved pamphlets, flyers, handbills, etc.
    - Weapons of any kind (e.g., pepper spray, tear gas, handcuffs, stun guns, etc.)

    Any other item deemed inappropriate or dangerous at the sole discretion of the venue. Please note that this list is subject to change at any time by management. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

  • Unauthorized access to the backstage area is strictly prohibited before, during, and after any performance without proper authorization and identification.

  • The availability of concessions is determined by the event producer. You are welcome to enjoy bottled water purchased at the concession area inside the theatre. Please note that all other food and beverages are not permitted within the theatre.

  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited within the school district premises, which includes Templeton High School and its associated parking lots.

  • The Templeton PAC is located on a NON-SMOKING campus. Smoking, vaping, and the use of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes will not be tolerated.

  • For most performances, photography, videography, and audio recording are not allowed, as per the artists' preferences. However, there are occasions when artists encourage these activities. To understand the specific restrictions or permissions in place for a particular performance, please consult an usher.


Information Soon!

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